The Girls at the Back (2022)
The Girls at the Back is a comedy TV series directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo and starring Godeliv Van den Brandt, Itsaso Arana, Javier Rey, Maria Rodríguez Soto, Mariona Terés, Melina Matthews, exclusively available only on Netflix all over the Spain. The TV Series has an average runtime of 37 min for each episode and gets a score of 50%, compiled from TMDB reviews from 201 experienced audiences, and started airing in September 2022.
Watch The Girls at the Back TV Series Online
Seeking to stream and Watch The Girls at the Back TV Series Online on your TV without any issues? Finding the streaming providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Daniel Sánchez Arévalo TV Series can be hard.
Watch The Girls at the Back in Spain on Netflix for a thrilling comedy storyline, Netflix series provides an excellent streaming experience for watching "The Girls at the Back" as a result of its outstanding features and fast streaming.
Below, you'll get a list of top streaming providers, showing you many options for renting, buying, and subscribing. Also, we'll show you where you can watch The Girls at the Back in your area.
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The Girls at the Back TV Series Official Trailer
Watch The Girls at the Back TV series 2022 trailer on YouTube and prepare for an unforgettable journey on Netflix. Get yourself into the amazing comedy storyline that promises a great streaming experience.
How Many Seasons and Episodes of The Girls at the Back?
The Girls at the Back TV Series has only one season and a total of 6 episodes. The show has gained great popularity and a solid fan base, making it a must-watch for television fans.
The Girls at the Back Latest Episodes
- Season 1 Episode 6
- Season 1 Episode 5
- Season 1 Episode 4
- Season 1 Episode 3
- Season 1 Episode 2
- Season 1 Episode 1
What is the The Girls at the Back TV-Series 2022 Storyline?
Five women in their 30s, friends since their school days, go on their annual getaway. But this year, one of them has just been diagnosed with cancer.
Where to Stream and Watch The Girls at the Back TV Series Online?
The Daniel Sánchez Arévalo comedy and drama TV Series The Girls at the Back is a Spanish-language series produced by Atípica Films and it comes with an original title of Las de la última fila.
For those who prefer streaming services, The Girls at the Back is also available on popular providers like Netflix so, they can watch the show anytime, anywhere or access it for download from iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.
It is recommended to check the providers' list mentioned above for the most up-to-date best streaming shows service on where to watch The Girls at the Back.
If your choice is to binge-watch the complete series or each episode separately, you are in for a fascinating comedy series that will keep you stuck to your TV from beginning to end.
What else can I watch on Netflix besides The Girls at the Back series?
As a whole, The Girls at the Back is a well-made comedy TV Series that will deeply connect those who've shared the journey of a humor story.
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