The Gifted (2017)
The Gifted is a fantasy TV series directed by Matt Nix and starring Amy Acker, Natalie Alyn Lind, Sean Teale, Stephen Moyer, limited streaming on Disney Plus across the United States. The TV Show has an average runtime of 37 minutes for each episode and received a user score of 77%, compiled from TMDB reviews from 1,203 experienced audiences, and first aired in October 2017.
Watch The Gifted TV Series Online
Seeking to stream and Watch The Gifted TV Show Online at your own home without any hassle? Finding the streaming providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Matt Nix TV-Series can be difficult.
Watch The Gifted in United States on Disney Plus for a fascinating fantasy storyline, Disney Plus movies is the top choice for watching "The Gifted" since it provides amazing options and hassle-free viewing.
Below, you'll get a list of top streaming providers, showing you many options for renting, buying, and subscribing. Also, we'll show you where you can watch The Gifted in your area.
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The Gifted TV-Series Trailers and Clips
Before you watch The Gifted on Disney Plus, check out the available official trailers and video clips here:
How Many Seasons and Episodes of The Gifted?
The Gifted TV-Series has two seasons and a total of 29 episodes. Season one has 13 episodes, and season two has 16 episodes. Since the show first premiered has become a popular and long-running series, fascinating audiences with its storylines and talented cast.
The Gifted Latest Episodes
- Season 2 Episode 16 - oMens
- Season 2 Episode 15 - Monsters
- Season 2 Episode 14 - calaMity
- Season 2 Episode 13 - teMpted
- Season 2 Episode 12 - hoMe
- Season 2 Episode 11 - meMento
What is the Plot for The Gifted TV-Series 2017?
In a world where mutated humans are treated with distrust and fear, an institute for mutants battles to achieve peaceful co-existence with humanity.
Where to Stream & Watch Online The Gifted TV Show?
The Matt Nix action, drama, fantasy and sci-fi TV-Series The Gifted is an English-language series produced by 20th Century Fox Television, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Flying Glass of Milk Productions, Genre Films, Marvel Television and The Donners' Company.
For fans who like to own the series, The Gifted is also available on popular providers like Disney Plus, MagentaTV, Virgin TV Go, and Hotstar so, they can watch the show anytime, anywhere or download it from Amazon Video, maxdome Store, Chili, and Apple iTunes.
we recommend checking the providers' list provided above for the latest streaming service options on where to watch The Gifted.
If you favor to purchase the complete series or each season apart, you can easily enjoy the fantasy and imagination world of The Gifted.
What else can I watch on Disney Plus besides The Gifted show?
All in all, The Gifted is a well-made fantasy TV Show that will strike a chord with anyone who has ever been in an imagination story.
Unsure about what to watch on Disney Plus Take a look at our suggestions.
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