Scissor Seven (2018)
Scissor Seven is an animation TV series directed by He Xiaofeng and exclusively available only on Netflix in China. The TV Show has an average runtime of 37 min for each episode and gets a score of 88%, compiled from IMDB reviews from 408 experienced users, and was first released in April 2018.
Watch Scissor Seven TV Series Online
Excited to stream and Watch Scissor Seven TV Show Online at your home without any issues? Locating the streaming services where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch He Xiaofeng TV-Show can be difficult.
Watch Scissor Seven in China on Netflix for a fascinating animation storyline, Netflix shows is the top choice for streaming "Scissor Seven" due to its impressive features, smooth streaming and user-friendly interface.
Here, you'll get the best streaming service providers list, including choices for renting, buying, and subscribing. We'll also tell you about the availability of Scissor Seven in your country.
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- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Yemen
Scissor Seven TV-Show Trailers and Clips
Excited to watch Scissor Seven on Netflix? Check out the trailers and clips here:
How Many Seasons and Episodes of Scissor Seven?
Scissor Seven TV-Show has four seasons and a total of 40 episodes. Season one has 10 episodes, season two has 10 episodes, season three has 10 episodes, and season four has 10 episodes. Each episode offers a fun-filled adventure for viewers to enjoy. The show's popularity has gained a strong fan base, and there may be more seasons in the future to continue the fascinating storyline.
Scissor Seven Latest Episodes
- Season 4 Episode 10 - Green Phoenix's Revenge
- Season 4 Episode 9 - Showdown on the Chicken Island
- Season 4 Episode 8 - The Decision
- Season 4 Episode 7 - Red Tooth's Past
- Season 4 Episode 6 - Huilian's Past
- Season 4 Episode 5 - Crisis on the Island 2
What is the Plot for Scissor Seven TV-Series 2018?
Seeking to recover his memories, a scissor-wielding hairdresser, bungling quasi-assassin stumbles into a struggle for power among two feuding factions.
Where to Stream and Watch Online Scissor Seven TV Show?
The He Xiaofeng animation TV-Show Scissor Seven is a Mandarin-language series produced by Sharefun Studio and 啊哈娱乐.
For viewers who prefer to watch the series offline, Scissor Seven is available for purchase or rental on streaming providers like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu or stream it on Netflix.
Check out the streaming providers' list provided above for the most recent updates on where to watch Scissor Seven.
Whether you prefer to stream the entire series or each episode separately, you can enjoy the cartoon storyline and the fascinating animation show on your smart TV, computer, or mobile devices.
What else can be watched on Netflix besides Scissor Seven show?
In general, Scissor Seven is a well-made animation TV Show that will deeply connect people who've found themselves in a cartoon world.
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