Bloodhounds (2023)
Bloodhounds is a crime TV series directed by Kim Joo-hwan and starring Cho Wan-ki, Choi Si-won, Choi Young-jun, Ha Soo-ho, Heo Joon-ho, Hong Jun-young, exclusively available only on Netflix across the North Korea. The TV-Show has an average runtime of 41 min for each episode and gets a user rating of 32%, based on IMDB feedback from 475 fan viewers, and was first shown in June 2023.
Watch Bloodhounds TV Series Online
Looking to Watch Bloodhounds TV-Show Online right at home smoothly? Locating the services where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Kim Joo-hwan TV Show can be tricky.
Watch Bloodhounds in North Korea on Netflix for an exciting crime show, Netflix streaming is the top pick for watching "Bloodhounds" due to its impressive features, smooth streaming and user-friendly interface.
Below, you'll get a list of top streaming providers, showing you many options for renting, buying, and subscribing. Also, we'll show you where you can watch Bloodhounds in your area.
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- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Yemen
Bloodhounds TV Show Official Trailer
Watch Bloodhounds TV show trailer on YouTube and prepare for an unforgettable journey on Netflix. Get yourself into the amazing crime storyline that promises a great streaming experience.
How Many Seasons and Episodes of Bloodhounds?
Bloodhounds TV Show has only one season and a total of 8 episodes. Each episode offers a fun-filled adventure for viewers to enjoy. The show's popularity has gained a strong fan base, and there may be more seasons in the future to continue the fascinating storyline.
Bloodhounds Latest Episodes
- Season 1 Episode 8
- Season 1 Episode 7
- Season 1 Episode 6
- Season 1 Episode 5
- Season 1 Episode 4
- Season 1 Episode 3
What is the Bloodhounds TV-Series 2023 Storyline?
Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who preys on the financially desperate.
Where to Stream & Watch Online Bloodhounds TV-Show?
The Kim Joo-hwan action, adventure and crime TV Show Bloodhounds is a Korean-language series produced by See At Film and Studio N and it carries an original name of 사냥개들.
For people who prefer to watch the series offline, Bloodhounds is available for streaming on streaming websites like Netflix and it's also available for purchase on platforms like iTunes, Microsoft Store, and Vudu or you can buy it from online retailers such as Amazon and eBay.
It's a good idea to refer to the streaming websites' list provided above for the most up-to-date best shows streaming service on where to watch Bloodhounds.
Whether you like to watch the entire series or each episode apart, you have several options to enjoy the crime and criminal world of Bloodhounds TV-Series.
What else can I watch on Netflix besides Bloodhounds series?
All in all, Bloodhounds is a well-made crime TV-Show that will strike a chord with those who've been part of a criminal story.
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