Arrow (2012)
Arrow is a crime TV series directed by Andrew Kreisberg and starring David Ramsey, Emily Bett Rickards, Katie Cassidy, Stephen Amell, specifically offered on Netflix within the United States. The TV Series has an average runtime of 40 min for each episode and gets a score of 67%, compiled from TMDB feedback from 4,994 fan users, and was first shown in October 2012.
Watch Arrow TV Series Online
On the hunt to Watch Arrow TV Series Online at your own home without any inconvenience? Finding the providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Andrew Kreisberg TV Series can be challenging.
Watch Arrow in United States on Netflix for a fascinating crime storyline, Netflix streaming is the top choice for watching "Arrow" as a result of its outstanding features and fast streaming.
Here, you can find the top list of streaming providers, offering options for rentals, purchases, and subscriptions. Additionally, we'll show you if Arrow is available in your region or not.
- Algeria
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- Netherlands
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- Saudi Arabia
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- Slovakia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- Yemen
Arrow TV Series Trailers and Clips
Check out the trailers before you watch Arrow on Netflix and enjoy a sneak peek of this amazing show.
How Many Seasons and Episodes of Arrow?
Arrow TV Series has eight seasons and a total of 170 episodes. Season one has 23 episodes, season two has 23 episodes, season three has 23 episodes, season four has 23 episodes, season five has 23 episodes, season six has 23 episodes, season seven has 22 episodes, and season eight has 10 episodes. Each episode explores a different story and offers a unique visual and viewers experience and an average duration of 45-50 minutes.
Arrow Latest Episodes
- Season 8 Episode 10 - Fadeout
- Season 8 Episode 9 - Green Arrow & The Canaries
- Season 8 Episode 8 - Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four (IV)
- Season 8 Episode 7 - Purgatory
- Season 8 Episode 6 - Reset
- Season 8 Episode 5 - Prochnost
What is the Plot for Arrow TV-Series 2012?
Oliver Queen and his father are lost at sea when their luxury yacht sinks, apparently in a storm. His father dies, but Oliver survives for five years on an uncharted island and eventually returns home. But he wasn’t alone on the island where he learned not only how to fight and survive but also of his father’s corruption and unscrupulous business dealings. He returns to civilization a changed man, determined to put things right. He disguises himself with the hood of one of his mysterious island mentors, arms himself with a bow and sets about hunting down the men and women who have corrupted his city.
Where to Stream & Watch Arrow TV Series Online?
The Andrew Kreisberg action, adventure, crime, drama, mystery and sci-fi TV Series Arrow is an English-language series produced by Berlanti Productions, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Television.
For fans who like streaming services, Arrow is also available on popular platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Club Illico, and ILLICO so, they can watch the show anytime, anywhere or access it for download from Amazon Video, maxdome Store, Rakuten TV, and Chili.
Check out the platforms' list provided above for the latest streaming service options on where to watch Arrow.
If you like to purchase the entire series or each season separately, Arrow offers a fascinating viewing experience that will get you into the crime and criminal world.
What else can be watched on Netflix besides Arrow show?
All in all, Arrow is a well-made crime TV Series that will resonate with those who've shared the journey of a criminal world.
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