Wagon Master (1950)
Wagon Master is a western movie directed by John Ford and starring Ben Johnson, Harry Carey Jr., Joanne Dru, Ward Bond, exclusively offered on Filmin within the United States. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 26 min and received a user score of 72%, based on IMDB reviews from 3,246 fan audiences, and was first shown in April 1950.
Watch Wagon Master Movie Online
Want to Watch Wagon Master Movie Online right at your own home without any inconvenience? Finding the streaming services where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch John Ford films can be tricky.
Watch Wagon Master in United States on Filmin for a fascinating western story, Filmin movies is the best streaming provider for watching "Wagon Master" due to its impressive features, smooth streaming and user-friendly interface.
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Wagon Master Official Trailer
Excited to watch Wagon Master on Filmin? Check out the trailers and clips here.
What is the Plot for Wagon Master Movie 1950?
As Mormon settlers head to the promised land at the San Juan river in Utah, they hire horse traders Travis Blue and Sandy as wagon masters. They have to forge a trail across unknown territory and face many hardships along the way. They quickly come across some stranded travelers, a medicine show run by Dr. A. Locksley Hall which includes the attractive Denver. Along the way however, they are also joined by Shiloh Clegg and his murderous clan of robbers and thieves. An encounter with the Navajo leads to an invitation to their camp but after one of the Clegg boys gets a whipping for attacking one of the Navajo women, Uncle Shiloh plans his revenge. It’s left to Sandy and Travis to protect the travelers and get them to their destination.
Where to Stream & Watch Online Wagon Master Movie?
The John Ford adventure and western movie Wagon Master is an English-language movie produced by Argosy Pictures and RKO Radio Pictures and it comes with an original title of Wagonmaster.
For viewers who prefer streaming services, Wagon Master is available for purchase or rental on platforms like Amazon Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, and YouTube or start watching instantly on Filmin, FlixOlé, FlixOlé Amazon Channel, and Virgin TV Go.
we recommend checking the platforms list mentioned above for the most up-to-date new streaming movies service on where to watch Wagon Master.
Whether you like to binge-watch the movie or download it, you can easily enjoy the western and wild west world of Wagon Master.
What else can be watched on Filmin besides Wagon Master movie?
All in all, Wagon Master is a well-made western movie that will deeply connect people who've lived through a wild west world.
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