The Mildew from Planet Xonader (2015)
The Mildew from Planet Xonader is a horror movie directed by Giulio De Santi and starring Edward X. Young, Lawrence George, Mike Keller, Wilmar Zimosa. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 25 min and received a user score of 61%, based on TMDB reviews from 265 experienced audiences, and was first shown in December 2015.
Watch The Mildew from Planet Xonader Movie Online
Eager to stream and Watch The Mildew from Planet Xonader Movie Online right at your own home without any inconvenience? Locating the websites where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Giulio De Santi films can be difficult.
Lights, camera, but no streaming action! The Mildew from Planet Xonader movie isn't on Disney Plus or Netflix. But fear not! Search about it at your local cinema or get in an old-school movie night with a DVD rental. The horror of this film is worth the hunt!
The Mildew from Planet Xonader Official Trailer
Want to watch the The Mildew from Planet Xonader Movie? Get a quick look at the The Mildew from Planet Xonader storyline through the trailer before deciding to subscribe on any streaming services..
What is the Plot for The Mildew from Planet Xonader Movie 2015?
The year is 1984. Researchers at the secretive Bentan Labs are celebrating the completion of their latest weapons project: a previously unknown type of mildew, capable of spreading and consuming any kind of vegetation… and ideal for attacking stockpiles of enemy food. When a sponsor is accidentally infected, the mildew’s spores are set loose across the facility. As aggressive soldiers flood the complex and the infected staff begin to mutate, the survivors come to realize that the mildew is in fact an alien creature! To avoid an agonising death, the remaining scientists must join forces with “Toxic” – a mysterious mercenary who has infiltrated the building on a covert mission. Will anyone escape the clutches of this out of control fungus and the army of crazed mutants it has created? Body melts, alien mutations, tons of action and geysers of gore await you. The ’80s are back!
Where to Stream & Watch The Mildew from Planet Xonader Movie Online?
The Giulio De Santi action, horror and sci-fi movie The Mildew from Planet Xonader is an English-language movie produced by Necrostorm and it carries an original title of Плесень с планеты Ксонадер.
For users who prefer to own the movie, The Mildew from Planet Xonader is available for purchase on platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu and you can also buy it from online retailers such as Amazon and eBay.
It's a good idea to refer to the platforms list mentioned above for the latest streaming service options on where to watch The Mildew from Planet Xonader.
Whether you prefer to stream the movie or rent it, The Mildew from Planet Xonader offers a fascinating viewing experience that will get you into the horror and fear world.
Best Movies on Netflix to Watch in 2015
As a whole, The Mildew from Planet Xonader is a well-made horror movie that will strike a deep chord with those who've felt the emotions of a fear world.
If you're wondering what's new on Netflix Take a look at our recommendations.