The Intouchables (2011)
The Intouchables is a biography movie directed by Eric Toledano and starring Anne Le Ny, Audrey Fleurot, François Cluzet, Omar Sy, exclusively available only on Maxdome across the France. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 52 min and scored 86%, based on IMDB reviews from 562,601 fan viewers, and was first released in November 2011.
Watch The Intouchables Movie Online
On the hunt to stream and Watch The Intouchables Movie Online at your own home without any fuss? Finding the streaming providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Eric Toledano films can be tricky.
Watch The Intouchables in France on Maxdome for a fascinating biography storyline, Maxdome streaming movies offers top-notch streaming for "The Intouchables" as a result of its outstanding features and fast streaming.
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The Intouchables Official Trailer
Check out the trailers before you watch The Intouchables on Maxdome and enjoy a sneak peek of this amazing movie.
What is the The Intouchables Movie 2011 Plot?
In Paris, the aristocratic and intellectual Philippe is a quadriplegic millionaire who is interviewing candidates for the position of his carer, with his red-haired secretary Magalie. Out of the blue, the rude African Driss cuts the line of candidates and brings a document from the Social Security and asks Phillipe to sign it to prove that he is seeking a job position so he can receive his unemployment benefit. Philippe challenges Driss, offering him a trial period of one month to gain experience helping him. Then Driss can decide whether he would like to stay with him or not. Driss accepts the challenge and moves to the mansion, changing the boring life of Phillipe and his employees.
Where to Stream and Watch Online The Intouchables Movie?
The Eric Toledano biography, comedy and drama movie The Intouchables is a French-language movie produced by Canal+, Chaocorp, CinéCinéma, Gaumont, Quad Productions, Ten Films, TF1 and TF1 Films Production and it has an original title of Intouchables.
For fans who like to watch the movie offline, The Intouchables is available for streaming on streaming providers like Maxdome, Netflix, Stan, and Telecine Play and it's also available for purchase on platforms like Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Amazon Video, and maxdome Store or you can buy it from online retailers such as Amazon and Wish.
we recommend checking the streaming providers list provided above for the streaming movies service options on where to watch The Intouchables.
Whether you choose to watch the movie or download it, The Intouchables offers a fascinating viewing experience that will get you into the biography and life world.
What else can I watch on Maxdome besides The Intouchables movie?
In general, The Intouchables is a well-crafted biography movie that will strike a chord with those who've been part of a life world.
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