Painkiller Jane (2005)
Painkiller Jane is a sci-fi movie directed by Sanford Bookstaver and starring Emmanuelle Vaugier, Eric Dane, Richard Roundtree, Venus Terzo. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 30 min and gets a user rating of 52%, based on TMDB reviews from 902 experienced viewers, and was first shown in December 2005.
Watch Painkiller Jane Movie Online
Excited to Watch Painkiller Jane Movie Online right at your home without any effort? Discovering where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Sanford Bookstaver movies can be a bit tricky.
Lights, camera, but no streaming action! Painkiller Jane movie isn't on Amazon Prime Video or HBO Max. But fear not! Search about it at your local cinema or get in an old-school movie night with a DVD rental. The sci-fi of this film is worth the hunt!
Painkiller Jane Trailers and Clips
Excited to watch Painkiller Jane? Check out the trailers and clips here.
What is Painkiller Jane Movie 2005 About?
After an army unit is exposed to a biochemical weapon, everyone is killed except one young woman. She not only recovers from the exposure but has developed the ability to recover from any type of injury within days. After discovering that the army is not trying to help cure her, but rather is experimenting on her to develop a serum to be used on other soldiers, she escapes. Obviously the army wants to hunt her down and get her back under their security.
Where to Stream and Watch Online Painkiller Jane Full Movie?
The Sanford Bookstaver action, drama and sci-fi movie Painkiller Jane is an English-language movie produced by GEP Productions and Insight Film Studios and it has an original title of 再生殺手.
For those who prefer to own the movie, Painkiller Jane is available for purchase on providers like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu and you can also buy it from online retailers such as Amazon and Best Buy.
It's always a good idea to check the providers list provided above for the latest streaming service options on where to watch Painkiller Jane.
Whether you prefer to stream the movie or download it, you can enjoy the science storyline and the fascinating sci-fi movie on your smart TV, computer, or mobile devices.
What other Movies can I watch on Movistar Play?
All in all, Painkiller Jane is a well-crafted sci-fi movie that will deeply touch people who've known the feeling of a science story.
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