Muscle (2019)
Muscle is a thriller movie directed by Gerard Johnson and starring Cavan Clerkin, Craig Fairbrass, Lorraine Burroughs, Polly Maberly, exclusively offered on Canal+ in United Kingdom. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 50 min and gets a score of 44%, compiled from IMDB reviews from 311 fan viewers, and was first released in October 2019.
Watch Muscle Movie Online
Looking to stream and Watch Muscle Movie Online right at your home smoothly? Figuring out where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Gerard Johnson films can be hard.
Watch Muscle in United Kingdom on Canal+ for a fascinating thriller storyline, Canal+ movies is the top pick for streaming "Muscle" due to its impressive features, smooth streaming and user-friendly interface.
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Muscle Official Trailer
Excited to watch Muscle on Canal+? Check out the trailers and clips here.
What is the Muscle Movie 2019 Plot?
An unhappy office worker’s life is gradually taken over by Terry, his new, very hands-on personal trainer.
Where to Stream and Watch Online Muscle Full Movie?
The Gerard Johnson thriller film Muscle is an English-language movie produced by Hook Pictures, Logical Pictures and Stigma Films and it comes with an original title of М'яз.
For people who prefer streaming services, Muscle is available for purchase or rental on streaming websites like Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Amazon Video, and Rakuten TV or watch it on Canal+, Filmo TV, BFI Player Amazon Channel, and Okko.
we recommend checking the streaming websites list mentioned above for the most recent updates on where to watch Muscle.
If your choice is to binge-watch the movie or rent it, Muscle offers a fascinating viewing experience that will get you into the thriller and suspense world.
Best Movies on Canal+ to Watch in 2019
In the end, Muscle is a well-crafted thriller film that will strike a chord with anyone who has ever been in a suspense world.
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