Lighthouse Hill (2004)
Lighthouse Hill is a romance movie directed by David Fairman and starring Annabelle Apsion, Ashley Artus, Jason Flemyng, Kirsty Mitchell. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 34 min and scored 63%, based on TMDB reviews from 109 experienced viewers, and was first shown in May 2004.
Watch Lighthouse Hill Movie Online
Ready to Watch Lighthouse Hill Movie Online right at home without any effort? Locating the streaming services where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch David Fairman films can be a bit tricky.
Ready for a cinematic journey? Unfortunately, Lighthouse Hill movie isn't on Disney Plus or Netflix. No worries, though! Explore local theaters for a big-screen experience, or visit your nearby DVD rental store for a fascinating romance movie night. The magic of this movie awaits!
Lighthouse Hill Official Trailer
Watch Lighthouse Hill movie 2004 trailer on YouTube and prepare for an unforgettable journey. Get yourself into the amazing storyline that promises a great streaming experience.
What is Lighthouse Hill Movie 2004 About?
When successful London publisher Charlie (Jason Flemyng) starts thinking that his life is a failure, he hits the road and soon stumbles upon a curious old hotel and a bevy of oddball locals, including the enchanting Grace (Kirsty Mitchell). As Charlie falls for the beauty, he begins to understand what it means to love and truly live. This charming romantic comedy from director David Fairman co-stars Samantha Beckinsale and Frank Finlay.
Where to Stream & Watch Online Lighthouse Hill Full Movie?
The David Fairman adventure, comedy and romance movie Lighthouse Hill is an English-language movie produced by Carnaby International and Flamingo Films Ltd. and it comes with an original title of A Flight of Fancy.
For people who prefer watching online, Lighthouse Hill is available for purchase or rental on platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu.
we recommend checking the platforms list provided above for the latest streaming service options on where to watch Lighthouse Hill.
Whether you prefer to binge-watch the movie or download it, you can easily enjoy the romance and love world of Lighthouse Hill.
Best Movies on Vudu to Watch in 2004
In general, Lighthouse Hill is a well-made romance movie that will deeply connect anyone who's gone through a love story.
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