Just for Kicks (2005)
Just for Kicks is a documentary movie directed by Lisa Leone and starring Bill Adler, Damon Dash, Doze, Missy Elliott. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 22 min and scored 74%, based on IMDB reviews from 406 fan viewers, and made its first appearance in June 2005.
Watch Just for Kicks Movie Online
Eager to Watch Just for Kicks Movie Online right at your own home without any inconvenience? Finding the websites where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Lisa Leone movies can be difficult.
Lights, camera, but no streaming action! Just for Kicks movie isn't on Disney Plus or Netflix. But fear not! Search about it at your local cinema or get in an old-school movie night with a DVD rental. The documentary of this film is worth the hunt!
Just for Kicks Official Trailer
Want to watch the Just for Kicks Movie? Get a quick look at the Just for Kicks storyline through the trailer before deciding to subscribe on any streaming services..
What is Just for Kicks Movie 2005 About?
Since B-Boys first propelled them out of the New York City playgrounds in the 70’s, sneakers have morphed from a tool for athletic performance to Hip Hop’s cornerstone symbol of cool and an object of obsession for sneakers collectors world wide. Analyzing this global pop culture phenomenon, JUST FOR KICKS is the first film of its kind to present the underlying culture and personalities that fueled this fashion revolution and its $26 billion global market. Far from a formal history of the sneaker industry, JUST FOR KICKS offers a fun and colorful insider’s history of hip hop’s most treasured fashion item; revealing behind the scenes stories with exclusive testimonies, never before seen footage and the charismatic personalities that have come to influence pop culture.
Where to Stream & Watch Online Just for Kicks Full Movie?
The Lisa Leone documentary film Just for Kicks is a French-language movie produced by Caid Productions Inc. and Program 33 and it comes with an original title of JUST FOR KICKS.
For fans who prefer to purchase or rent the full movie, Just for Kicks is available for purchase on platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Vudu and you can also buy it from online retailers such as Amazon.
Check out the platforms list mentioned above for the best movies streaming service options on where to watch Just for Kicks.
Whether you choose to purchase the movie or download it, you have multiple ways to enjoy Just for Kicks and witness the documentary and real-life world.
Best Movies to Watch on HBO Go in 2005
As a whole, Just for Kicks is a well-crafted documentary film that will strike a chord with those who've been part of a real-life world.
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