Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive (2022)
Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive is a documentary movie directed by Ian Derry and starring Elina Manninen, Johanna Nordblad, specifically offered on Netflix within the United States. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 30 min and gets a score of 42%, based on IMDB feedback from 513 experienced viewers, and was first shown in May 2022.
Watch Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive Movie Online
Ready to Watch Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive Movie Online on your TV without any hassle? Finding the streaming services where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Ian Derry movies can be tricky.
Watch Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive in United States on Netflix for a fascinating documentary story, Netflix streaming movies is the top choice for watching "Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive" because it offers great features and seamless playback.
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Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive Trailers and Clips
Check out the trailers before you watch Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive on Netflix and enjoy a sneak peek of this amazing movie.
What is the Plot for Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive Movie 2022?
Follow free diver Johanna Nordblad in this documentary as she attempts to break the world record for distance traveled under ice with one breath.
Where to Stream and Watch Online Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive Full Movie?
The Ian Derry documentary film Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive is an English-language movie produced by Archer's Mark and Don Films and it holds an original title of Затримай дихання: Крижане занурення.
For those who prefer streaming services, Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive is available for purchase or rental on streaming websites like iTunes, Microsoft Store, and Vudu or instantly streaming on Netflix.
It is recommended to check the streaming websites list provided above for the most up-to-date best streaming movies service on where to watch Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive.
If you like to watch the movie or rent it, you can easily enjoy the documentary and real-life world of Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive.
Best Movies to Watch on Netflix in 2022
In the end, Hold Your Breath: The Ice Dive is a well-made documentary film that will deeply touch anyone who's gone through a real-life story.
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