Gowanus, Brooklyn (2004)
Gowanus, Brooklyn is a short movie directed by Ryan Fleck and starring Karen Chilton, Matt Kerr, Shareeka Epps. The movie has a runtime of 19 min and scored 57%, compiled from IMDB reviews from 142 experienced audiences, and was first shown in January 2004.
Watch Gowanus, Brooklyn Movie Online
Ready to stream and Watch Gowanus, Brooklyn Movie Online right at home without any fuss? Finding the providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Ryan Fleck films can be a bit tricky.
Oops, no Netflix & don't worry about this one! Gowanus, Brooklyn short movie goes on. Find it at your local cinema for big-screen entertainment or rent the DVD for a classic movie night at home. Enjoy the magic of cinema!
Gowanus, Brooklyn Trailers and Clips
Before you watch Gowanus, Brooklyn, check out the available trailers and video clips here.
What is the Gowanus, Brooklyn Movie 2004 Storyline?
Audrey, called Drey, is 15, African-American, a Brooklyn high school student, a Tootsie-Pop usually in her mouth. She lives in a flat with her mother and older brother. Her mom is tired, working double shifts. Audrey is an observer. She finds one of her teachers, Mr. Dunne, interesting. He’s white, with curly hair and pork-chop sideburns. Sometimes his lectures are philosophical. He keeps to himself. One evening she surprises him in the locker room: is he taking drugs? He offers to drive her home. Her anthropological study of Mr. Dunne continues. She goes to his classroom at noon to ask a question and to leave a gift. Only connect.
Where to Stream & Watch Online Gowanus, Brooklyn Full Movie?
The Ryan Fleck short movie Gowanus, Brooklyn is an English-language movie.
For those who prefer to watch the movie offline, streaming websites like Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play offer the movie for digital download. This allows audiences to own the movie and watch it offline whenever they want.
It's a good idea to refer to the streaming websites list mentioned above for the most recent updates on where to watch Gowanus, Brooklyn.
If your choice is to purchase the movie or download it, you can easily enjoy the short and brief world of Gowanus, Brooklyn.
What else can be watched on DIRECTV besides Gowanus, Brooklyn movie?
All in all, Gowanus, Brooklyn is a well-crafted short movie that will deeply touch anyone who's had the opportunity to experience a brief world.
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