Bloodrunners (2017)
Bloodrunners is a horror movie directed by Dan Lantz and starring Airen DeLaMater, Benjamin Kanes, Chris James Boylan, Ice-T, Julie Ek, Michael Mcfadden, exclusively offered on Amazon Prime Video within the United States. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 35 min and gets a score of 67%, compiled from IMDB reviews from 1,747 experienced viewers, and was first released in March 2017.
Watch Bloodrunners Movie Online
Seeking to stream and Watch Bloodrunners Movie Online right at your home without any hassle? Finding the providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Dan Lantz movies can be difficult.
Watch Bloodrunners in United States on Amazon Prime Video for a thrilling horror story, Amazon Prime Video movies is the top pick for watching "Bloodrunners" due to its impressive features, smooth streaming and user-friendly interface.
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Bloodrunners Trailers and Clips
Want to watch the Bloodrunners Movie? Get a quick look at the Bloodrunners storyline through the trailer before deciding to subscribe on Amazon Prime Video.
What is the Bloodrunners Movie 2017 Storyline?
By 1933, Prohibition has proven a booming enterprise, where average citizens break the law, hide in the shadows and operate at night. The new world order has even lined the pockets of corrupt cops like Jack Malone. He collects a ‘luxury tax’ from every bootlegger and scofflaw in the small town he has sworn to protect. While shaking down the newest speakeasy in the local underground, Jack and his men uncover a clan of vampires hell bent on taking over the town. Now Chesterfield, an ancient vampire, and his horde must hide their secret at any cost. The bloody result leaves several bodies and innocent townsfolk taken as lambs to await the slaughter. With nowhere else to turn, Jack joins forces with a busboy and a crazy preacher to save the town and make a final stand against Chesterfield and his vampires.
Where to Stream & Watch Online Bloodrunners Movie?
The Dan Lantz crime and horror movie Bloodrunners is an English-language movie produced by Impulse-FX and it has an original name of Кровопускатели.
Free movie alert! You can watch Bloodrunners movie free without spending a dime on NetMovies, and Tubi TV. It's the perfect opportunity to have a cozy movie night at home. Get ready to be entertained.
Everyone likes freebies, don't they? Free entertainment at your fingertips. Discover the magic of NetMovies, where you can stream an incredible selection of movies and TV shows without spending a penny.
For people who like to purchase or rent the full movie, Bloodrunners is also available on popular streaming websites like Amazon Prime Video so, they can watch the movie anytime, anywhere or download it directly from Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Amazon Video, and Chili.
Check out the streaming websites list provided above for the latest streaming service options on where to watch Bloodrunners.
Whether you choose to binge-watch the movie or download it, you are in for a fascinating horror movie that will keep you stuck to your TV from beginning to end.
What other Movies can I watch on Amazon Prime Video?
In summary, Bloodrunners is a well-made horror movie that will strike a chord with those who've shared the journey of a fear story.
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