American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures (2015)
American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures is a documentary movie directed by J. Michael Long and starring John Tempest, Michael Warilow, available exclusively on Vudu all over the United States. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr and gets a user rating of 40%, compiled from TMDB feedback from 442 experienced viewers, and was first released in October 2015.
Watch American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures Movie Online
Seeking to stream and Watch American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures Movie Online at your home without any issues? Finding the websites where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch J. Michael Long movies can be a bit tricky.
Watch American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures in United States on Vudu for an exciting documentary story, Vudu is the top pick for watching "American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures" due to its impressive features, smooth streaming and user-friendly interface.
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American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures Official Trailer
Excited to watch American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures on Vudu? Check out the official trailers and clips here.
What is American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures Movie 2015 About?
Throughout the world, legends of creatures have been handed down from antiquity. Tales of strange beasts walking the land, stalking the lakes and seas as well as flying high overhead. Creatures so wondrous and terrifying they are often called Monsters! Legends of fantastic creatures abound in the literature of many cultures. Devil dogs, werewolves, various primates and stories of man-beasts have been passed down in oral traditions and written in classic tales from around the world. Our lakes and oceans are filled with a myriad of strange creatures that tantalize the imagination as well. Could these creatures be the result of some experiment gone awry, or are they Monsters that have evolved within the cesspool of our polluted waterways and forests? From Lake Monsters, Land Monsters and flying Thunderbirds – the earth and sky is filled with mysteries. These ominous creatures haunt our nightmares, yet appear to be as real as any other creature that populates our planet. Research continues on all of these monsters and startling new evidence appears every year that supports their existence. Perhaps the day will come when we realize that all the monsters we relegate to fairy tales have indeed been quite real all along.
Where to Stream & Watch Online American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures Full Movie?
The J. Michael Long documentary film American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures is an English-language movie produced by Sector 5 Films.
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For users who like to own the movie, The movie is available on popular streaming websites like HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, and Netflix or access it for download from Pantaflix, Vudu, and Amazon Video.
It's a good idea to refer to the streaming websites list mentioned above for the most up-to-date new movies streaming service on where to watch American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures.
Whether you prefer to watch the movie or rent it, you can easily enjoy the documentary and real-life world of American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures.
What other Movies can I watch on Vudu?
In the end, American Monsters: Werewolves, Wildmen and Sea Creatures is a well-made documentary film that will deeply connect people who've known the feeling of a real-life story.
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