All Hat (2007)
All Hat is a western movie directed by Leonard Farlinger and starring Keith Carradine, Lisa Ray, Luke Kirby, Noam Jenkins, exclusively available only on Strim in Canada. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 29 min and gets a user rating of 53%, based on IMDB feedback from 457 experienced audiences, and was first released in September 2007.
Watch All Hat Movie Online
Eager to Watch All Hat Movie Online in your home without any fuss? Locating the streaming providers where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Leonard Farlinger movies can be tricky.
Watch All Hat in Canada on Strim for a thrilling western storyline, Strim streaming is the best choice for watching "All Hat" since it provides amazing options and hassle-free viewing.
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All Hat Trailers and Clips
Excited to watch All Hat on Strim? Check out the official trailers and clips here.
What is the All Hat Movie 2007 Plot?
In southwestern Ontario, ex-baseball player Ray Dokes, upon being released from jail, returns to his rural hometown to stay temporarily with his deceased father’s Texan friend, small time horse breeder Pete Culpepper, until he has some footing in whatever the next phase of his life. Ray’s two year incarceration was for assaulting Sonny Stanton, the arrogant son of the wealthiest stable owner and horse breeder in the area, Earl Stanton. The assault left Sonny needing a cane with which to walk. The general consensus is that Ray got a raw deal in that Sonny was the one who did the provoking by his actions. It is also consensus that Sonny is generally not a nice person, he who is not averse to using violence even against women, and has racked up a mountain of gambling debts, mostly betting against his father’s horses purely as an act of defiance. Although Ray begins a sexual relationship with Pete’s new spirited jockey, Chrissie Nugent, he wants to make things right with his old girlfriend, Etta Parr. Sonny has been buying up all the concessions for a combination golf course/residential development, Etta one of the holdouts, she who will sell her property to anyone but Sonny or his associates. Sonny’s fortunes take a turn for the worse when his father goes into a coma while out of the country, with his stepmother invoking power of attorney, freezing all of Earl’s assets so that Sonny cannot touch them while Earl is in his current state. When he goes further into gambling debt in trying to get some cash, Sonny believes he has a way out when two of his cousins, stable hands Dean Calder and Paulie Stanton, steal Jumpin Jack Flash, Stanton Stables’ most prized horse insured for $10 million and arguably the fastest horse currently in North America. Dean plans to keep the horse only temporarily, specifically to market its services as a stud. In Jumpin Jack Flash, Sonny sees $10 million in his pocket if he can get someone to kill the horse. In finding out about the theft, Ray, in turn, comes up with a plan that he thinks will put Sonny in his place once and for all. But if the plan goes awry, it could mean Ray is headed back to the slammer for a much longer time.
Where to Stream and Watch All Hat Movie Online?
The Leonard Farlinger western movie All Hat is an English-language movie produced by New Real Films and it carries an original title of Stratagema.
For people who prefer watching online, All Hat is available for streaming on streaming providers like Strim, Amazon Prime Video, DIRECTV, and Paramount Plus and it's also available for purchase on platforms like SF Anytime, Telia Play, and Apple iTunes or you can buy it from online retailers such as Amazon and eBay.
It's always a good idea to check the streaming providers list provided above for the most up-to-date new movies streaming service on where to watch All Hat.
If you like to binge-watch the movie or rent it, you have multiple ways to enjoy All Hat and witness the western and wild west world.
What other Movies can I watch on Strim?
In the end, All Hat is a well-made western movie that will deeply connect people who've known the feeling of a wild west story.
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