Affliction (1997)
Affliction is a mystery movie directed by Paul Schrader and starring Brigid Tierney, Holmes Osborne, Jim True-Frost, Nick Nolte, only available on Filmstriben within the Canada. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 54 min and scored 70%, based on IMDB feedback from 12,494 fan viewers, and was first released in August 1997.
Watch Affliction Movie Online
Seeking to stream and Watch Affliction Movie Online right at home without any hassle? Finding the streaming services where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Paul Schrader movies can be tricky.
Watch Affliction in Canada on Filmstriben for an exciting mystery storyline, Filmstriben streaming movies stands out for watching "Affliction" because it offers great features and seamless playback.
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Affliction Official Trailer
Want to watch the Affliction Movie? Get a quick look at the Affliction storyline through the trailer before deciding to subscribe on Filmstriben.
What is the Affliction Movie 1997 Storyline?
Wade Whitehouse is a sheriff of a small New Hampshire town who achieved nothing in life in the opinion of his ex-wife Lillian and daughter Jill and is a heavy drinker. His girlfriend Margie accepts him the way he is. On the first day of the hunting season, Wade’s friend Jack takes a wealthy businessman to hunt – and only Jack returns alive. Wade decides to play detective and starts investigating the case despite the fact Jack insists it was an accidental self-inflicted shot.
Where to Stream and Watch Online Affliction Movie?
The Paul Schrader drama, mystery and thriller movie Affliction is an English-language movie produced by JVC, Kingsgate Films and Largo Entertainment and it comes with an original name of Bela.
Exciting news for movie night! You can watch Affliction movie for FREE on Tubi TV, giving you even more options for a fantastic movie experience. Grab your popcorn, get comfy, and enjoy the show on your way.
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For people who prefer to own the movie, The movie is available on popular streaming providers like Filmstriben, Filmin, Amazon Prime Video, and Virgin TV Go or download it from Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Amazon Video, and Cineplex.
we recommend checking the streaming providers list mentioned above for the most up-to-date best movies streaming service on where to watch Affliction.
Whether you choose to stream the movie or rent it, you have several options to enjoy the mystery and secret world of Affliction movie.
What other Movies can I watch on Filmstriben?
Overall, Affliction is a well-crafted mystery movie that will deeply connect people who've known the feeling of a secret world.
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