51 Degrees North (2015)
51 Degrees North is a sci-fi movie directed by Grigorij Richters and starring Dolly-Ann Osterloh, Moritz von Zeddelmann, Steve Nallon, Steven Cree. The movie has a runtime of 1 hr 27 min and gets a user rating of 48%, compiled from TMDB reviews from 117 experienced viewers, and made its first appearance in June 2015.
Watch 51 Degrees North Movie Online
Seeking to stream and Watch 51 Degrees North Movie Online right at your own home without any fuss? Finding where you can stream, buy, rent, or watch Grigorij Richters movies can be a bit tricky.
Streaming, where art thou? 51 Degrees North movie isn't on Netflix or Hulu, but the quest continues! Discover it at your nearby theater for a grand experience, or enjoy it at home with a DVD rental. The movie sci-fi awaits!
51 Degrees North Official Trailer
Before you watch 51 Degrees North, check out the available official trailers and video clips here.
What is the 51 Degrees North Movie 2015 Storyline?
When Damon Miller (Moritz von Zeddelmann), a talented, young London filmmaker becomes involved in the disturbing research surrounding Near-Earth Objects he stumbles onto the discovery that the Earth stands on the brink of an extraterrestrial disaster. Believing he’s finally discovered the ideal subject for his next documentary, Damon gets caught up in a conspiracy that threatens him and the ones he loves. Chasing shady leads, and armed only with his camera, Damon must overcome his fears about the future and prepare himself to make the ultimate sacrifice. By depicting cataclysmic events through the perspective of one individual, writer/director Grigorij Richters succeeds in crafting a truly human story about love, disillusionment and obsession in the face of overwhelming cosmic forces.
Where to Stream and Watch 51 Degrees North Full Movie Online?
The Grigorij Richters drama, mystery and sci-fi film 51 Degrees North is an English-language movie produced by 51 Films, Devil Puppy Productions and Films United and it comes with an original name of 51 Degrees.
For viewers who prefer to watch the movie offline, platforms like Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play offer the movie for digital download. This allows viewers to own the film and watch it offline whenever they want.
we recommend checking the platforms list provided above for the most recent updates on where to watch 51 Degrees North.
Whether you prefer to stream the movie or download it, you can enjoy the science storyline and the fascinating sci-fi movie on your smart TV, computer, or mobile devices.
What else can be watched on Cineplex besides 51 Degrees North movie?
Overall, 51 Degrees North is a well-made sci-fi film that will strike a chord with those who've shared the journey of a science world.
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